Creating Variations in Amazon FBA Listings

Creating variations in Amazon FBA for a product is surprisingly complicated and time consuming. You basically have to download a flat file (excel file from Amazon) and enter all of the listing properties there and then upload it as a text file back to Amazon. You can use product variations to give the user selection of color, size, model and more. It’s a good way to increase sales and take advantage of existing reviews (if you have them). It’s definitely a hassle but well worth it in some cases.

Step by Step Instruction

To list the items under variation, you need to create parent child variation by uploading a feed file.

To create a parent child variation you will first have to download the category specific template from: Seller Central >> Inventorytab >> Add products via upload >> Download template.

You will have to fill the template with the required listings and save the file in “text (tab delimited)” format and upload the same from :

Inventory tab >> Add products via upload

In the template enter the parent SKU that you wish to create for the new variation that you are trying to set up in your seller account and for the child items please enter the respective ASINs in the “Product ID” column and provide the value “ASIN” in the “Product_ID_Type” column. This would ideally set up the required relationship in your seller account as well as

For a video tutorial on how to create variation detail pages using inventory file templates, please log into your seller account and visit the following link:

For a video tutorial on how to upload flat file templates in your seller account, please log into your seller account and visit the following link:

Select the ‘Inventory files for non – media categories from the drop down’ from the drop down and upload the file.

Please note that a parent-child relationship can have different variation themes, depending on the product category.

For example, when a T-shirt’s product detail page displays a menu with options for different sizes and colors, this indicates thatvariations have been set up.

In a parent-child relationship, one parent product has multiple children that share basic similarities. We limit website search results to the parent product to make it easier for customers to find the product they want.

Note that a parent product – for example, a T-shirt – is only an “imaginary” product. We use the parent product only to link the child products (for example, a red XL T-shirt and a blue XXL T-shirt). Customers can buy the child products but they cannot buy the parent. Although you specify a parent in your inventory data, you do not give it an inventory quantity.

If you use text files, everything you need to set up relationships is in the inventory template. The Data Definitions tab in each category-specific inventory file lists the terms you can use for variation themes.

Important tips:

* Don’t include price and quantity values for parent products. This can cause your products to disappear from the site.
* When you list your child products, fully describe each one so that they are included in browse and search results.
* For better customer service, add the size and color to the child product title.

If you have any questions or concerns with uploading the product feed, you can write to Amazon Seller support. Be sure to include your Batch ID of the feed.

Additional Resources

2 thoughts on “Creating Variations in Amazon FBA Listings”

  1. I just want to say – wow and thank you.

    The template tabs were extremely helpful on their own, but you wrapped everything up in a nice little package. Everything I needed is in one place. I have saved this page because I know it is a reference I will come back to more than once.

  2. Great resource thankyou. Once question on shipping products with variations to Amazon for FBA.

    I have 5 color variations of my product. My supplier is labelling the 5 variations with 5 different EAN’s. My question is, when my supplier ships, can all my product be in the one carton or does each variation need to be shipped and packed separately. (with the understanding they are all going to the same Amazon location)


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