Klaviyo Shopify Basics 101

When you open up the Klaviyo Dashboard, it should look something like this:

Flow revenues are those attributed to the automated emails whereas the campaign revenues are attributed to one-off campaigns.


Klaviyo <-> Shopify One Click Integration

The great thing about Klaviyo (more details in this Klaviyo Review) is the one click integration with Shopify.

As a result of the close integration, you have the normal metrics:

And Shopify specific metrics:

As mentioned in this comparison between Mailchimp and Klaviyo, Klaviyo is very much profile centric where you have a rich set of data to work with inside of the Klaviyo profile.

You can see data such as when your prospect has added a product to cart, started to checkout, for what product, how much they’ve spent overall and so on.

You can also integrate from additional data sources including Mailchimp

You can customize the Klaviyo Dashboard with different cards that show the metrics that’s important for you to keep track of. The amount of options is extensive:

To get started quickly with the automations, there’s a library of flows:

One you install the flows you want to implement, it’s literally just a one click process.

1 Year Anniversary Flow

One of the effective flows that I like to use is after a customer leaves a product review to trigger an email which says:

Hi [Customer Name],

I’m thrilled to hear that you love your product!

Thanks a ton for leaving a product review on our website and for letting me know just how much you appreciate our product. You’ve literally made my day 🙂

Since so many people rely on online reviews, especially Facebook reviews, I’d be super stoked if you could also leave a Facebook review here: [URL]

If you do so, please reply to this email and I’ll be more than happy to send you another [product they ordered] to you for free!

Looking forward to hearing from you 🙂

Klaviyo Sign Up Forms

To grow your list and to further engage with your Shopify store visitors, you have a variety of sign up forms to use including popups, embeds, and flyouts. You can even customize which forms to show according to the properties of your visitors (e.g. if they’re visiting from the EU, you can show the GDPR form).

You can also customize when it shows, whether to display the form only once in 90 days, only to mobile/desktop users, a specific segment, and so on.

The conversion rate (Engagement Rate in Klaviyo’s terminology) for most eCommerce stores is under 2%. For the top 10%, it’s around 6.5%.

If your Engagement Rate is very high already, you can consider adding more fields or even TypeForm to gather even more data to make your marketing messages hyper relevant for your visitors.

Email Schools of Thoughts

There are two prevailing email philosophies.

One is that of blasting. If they haven’t opened the email, keep sending! The blasts are usually to the entire list instead of segmenting. The goal is to grow the list as big as possible and to put anyone we can onto the list. It’s also about sending as many emails as possible and basically hammering the list with offers.

The second is one of nurture. The mindset is, “Am I sending something that is relevant or interesting? Have I earned the right to be sending this email?” These are fewer but more targeted emails sent to a highly segmented list.

If you’re mainly collecting emails through the conversion wheel and giveaway campaigns, then you can expect low open rates, high unsubscribe rates, high spam complaint rates and a low probability of landing in the Inbox.

Here are benchmark engagement rates to see where you stand:

Source: Klaviyo

To make sure that you have good deliverability, send to an engaged list and send content that your list wants to read.

If you import a list into Klaviyo with a less than 10% open rate, it’ll most likely trigger a review from the Klaviyo Compliance Team.

Questions to Ask to Improve Your Metrics

Low Open Rates

If you have a low open rate, consider whether you’re sending to the right audience (blasting the whole list will decrease open rates generally) and whether your headlines are good.

Low Click Through Rates

Is your content relevant for your audience? Do you have ONE clear call to action?

Low Conversions

Is the price too high? Is there any disconnect between what’s in your email and what’s on the Shopify store?

High Unsubscribes

Are you sending to people that no longer want to receive your email?

High Spam Rates

Is there an unsubscribe button missing? Are you emailing people that don’t want to see your emails too often?

High Bounce Rate

Have you cleaned your list?

General Pointers

  • Don’t use spammy subject lines
  • Send personalized content to the right audience (segment)
  • Clean your list regularly
  • Make it easy to unsubscribe
  • Use double opt in (filter out bots)

Klaviyo Data Gathering

Shopify Email Data Analysis

The metrics to look at here are open rates, click through rates and revenues as a result of emails.

When you send out campaign emails, it’s good to monitor the metrics and test different ideas about what drives your successful campaigns. The big ones to test are the headlines and the offer. After doing a few campaigns, you can form different ideas to test and see whether the metrics will inline with your expectations.

Klaviyo Flows

I’ve already covered flows a bit but let’s go a bit more in detail. What exactly are Klaviyo Flows?

They are:

  • Automated — You set them up and then focus on improving them by analyzing the stats
  • Triggered — specific events will trigger flows like checking out your product page or subscribing to your list
  • Timed — after the specific event has occurred, you can control the timing so that flows occur immediately or after a delay

Abandoned Cart Flow

We’ll go over one of the most common and widely used Klaviyo Flow. The point of an abandoned cart flow is:

  • To give your potential customers a friendly reminder of what they were looking at
  • An easy way to get back to the Shopify cart
  • Personalized content that’s specific to the customer and their actions

To start with, go to the library of flows (https://www.klaviyo.com/library/flows) and type in “Abandoned” to get a list of Abandoned Cart Flows.

Spend a bit of time to go through the flows that you’re interested in and see how they’re structured. Just clicking on it will open up the details:

Once you hit “Create Flow”, it will take you to the Klaviyo Flow Builder where you can edit and customize the flow.

Flow Filter

Klaviyo’s flow filters allow you to specify who should or shouldn’t be in the flow. So in this abandoned cart flow, if the person has never place an order, then they’re allowed to stay in this flow.

The flows are set to “Manual” by default and you’ll need to set it to “Live” once you’re happy with the flow.


The 4 triggers that can start a Klaviyo flow are:

  1. List (when someone gets added to a list)
  2. Segment (when someone gets added to a segment)
  3. Metric (when an event happens)
  4. Date Property (e.g. 1 year since they bought)

Analysis of Your Klaviyo Flow

Klaviyo Abandoned Cart Benchmark Report, Source: Klaviyo

The stats and benchmarks will vary a lot depending on the product you’re selling but it’s good to have an idea of a general idea of cart abandonment stats so that you can compare initially.

Source: Klaviyo

Later on once you’ve got everything set up and you’ve got your own baseline stats, you can start running against your own stats as the benchmark and look to optimize your Klaviyo Flows by trying different offers, headlines, discounts, etc.

The easy flows that you can start with initially are abandoned checkout, welcome series and customer winback. If you have more time to invest, then it’s worth exploring the flow library and seeing what other flows can be valuable for you.

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